Archbishop Romero was an Archbishop of San Salvador. His appointment wasn’t exactly welcomed because those aligned with Marxism or with liberation theology felt that he was too much an “establishment” man. He was seen to be supportive of the government simply because he was a safe Bishop; a kind of a “yes” man. However, one of his personal friends, a Jesuit priest, was assassinated and his death had a profound impact on Romero. Whilst looking at his dead friend lying in the coffin, he thought to himself, “If they killed him for doing the right thing, then I must walk the path as well”. He asked the government to investigate the death but they ignored his request and the censored media also remained silent. Because of this, he was like a man coming alive as he found his voice in speaking up against injustice and for irregularity in governance. For that, he was also assassinated. He sacrificed himself for the sake of his flock. His death opened the way to freedom of his people.
In life, sometimes there is a need to sacrifice in order to promote something better. Jesus Himself said something like this in our Gospel, "Truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” To sacrifice in order to bear much fruit is easier said than done. Our instinct has taught us to avoid what is painful. We even prefer to take the chance to get some things done without using more of our time and energy. We would rather clamor when things do not go the way we want it to be than to consider it an occasion for us to sacrifice something. Time will come for us to give up something to gain a better thing.
On this fifth Sunday of Lent, we are being reminded by the church to sacrifice. This is a season for fasting and penance. We have to leave behind our comfort zones so as to achieve something better –our spiritual wellness. Our sacrifice gives way to our freedom from sin. Our sacrifice leads us to a better life –a spiritual being.