Saturday, May 30, 2015

Trinity Sunday

Today is Trinity Sunday. And as we celebrate the feast of the Holy Trinity, I cannot but tell you a story about my favorite saint, St. Augustine.  
The great Doctor of the Church St. Augustine of Hippo spent over 30 years working on his treatise De Trinitate, endeavoring to conceive an intelligible explanation for the mystery of the Trinity.

He was walking by the seashore one day contemplating and trying to understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity when he saw a small boy running back and forth from the water to a spot on the seashore. The boy was using a sea shell to carry the water from the ocean and place it into a small hole in the sand. 

The Bishop of Hippo approached him and asked, “My boy, what are you doing?” 

“I am trying to bring all the sea into this hole,” the boy replied with a sweet smile. 

“But that is impossible, my dear child, the hole cannot contain all that water” said Augustine. 

The boy paused in his work, stood up, looked into the eyes of the Saint, and replied, “It is no more impossible than what you are trying to do – comprehend the immensity of the mystery of the Holy Trinity with your small intelligence.”

My dear friends in Christ, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity or the dogma of One God in Three Divine Persons which we believe is revealed to us by Jesus Himself when He said to His disciples according to the Gospel of Matthew 28:19, 

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." 

In saying this, Jesus revealed to us that there is One God in Three Divine persons –Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. How could I explain this? Well, like St. Augustine in the story I would say it is impossible to comprehend the mystery of the Holy Trinity; and if I or anybody could fully explain it then how could we say it is a mystery? Nevertheless, allow me my dear friends, to use an analogy just to help you understand a little how great this mystery shall affect our Christian lives if we only know something about it.

Allow me to ask you, Where is West Philippine Sea? Where is South China Sea? If you try to search for the location of West Philippine Sea from Wikipedia, you can find a note “West Philippine Sea redirects here” and then you see there “South China Sea”. In short, there is one sea but is called by different names, either West Philippine Sea or South China Sea. Through this analogy, let me say but not exactly as it must be, that when we pray in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we pray to only one God (the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Spirit is God yet we do not have three gods but one God).

Now, you might ask if there is one God, why is there Three Divine Persons in God. (You see I am grammatically wrong in using the verb “is” as I talked about Three Persons; but I am doctrinally correct because the “Three Persons” as I have said is but One God.) Again, allow me to use an analogy. If you are a father of a family, you could hear your wife and your children call you “Daddy” while you are in your home. Then if you go to your office to work, you could hear your subordinates call you “Sir”. After your work, you go home and change your clothes because you are going to play tennis with your friends who call you “Nene”. Here, there is only one person who is “Daddy” to his family, “Sir” to his officemates and “Nene” to his friends. Let me say then, but this is not exactly as it must be, there is one God whose presence is that of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

With all these analogies, I now submit to you my dear friends, how the mystery of the Holy Trinity shall affect our Christian lives. We only have one God. This God according to the Scripture is love and thus we say God is love. We have experienced the presence of God. We have experienced love. This love is not just a word but an action word. It is neither an abstract idea nor an empty word. Rather, it is real and true. This real and true love creates life. It always makes something new. God the Father created the world and even until now something new is happening in our world. This real and true love saves life. Jesus the Son has saved us through His death and resurrection. He has given up His life for our sake. This real and true love makes life holy. The Holy Spirit makes us holy. Though we are sinners, the Holy Spirit guides us to our way back to God. This kind of love could also be experienced by most Catholic couples. As husband and wife who love each other, they procreate, they give life to their child. The husband thinks of what to give his wife when he goes home while the wife prepares the home for his husband. They offer their lives for the good of each other. Finally, they pray together. They make each other holy. Therefore, my dear friends in Christ, if we believe in One Holy Triune God, we dedicate ourselves to love. If we really and truly love, we create life-giving atmosphere to the other. If we really and truly love, we offer our lives for the good of the other. If we really and truly love, we make other’s life holy. And at the end, we can all say I love in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Pentecost Sunday

My dear friends in Christ, our Gospel is taken from John 20:19-23. From this Gospel, we could learn somehow what charismatic groups or even born again Christians describe as “Baptism of the Holy Spirit” or “the experience of God’s presence”. Surprisingly, even a deacon of the Iglesia ni Kristo shared a similar experience to me within their community. Well, the sharing and testimonies of the different communities in our present generation would only confirm the religious experience of the early apostles as authentic and true as written in the Scripture.
My dear friends allow me to tell you the experience of the early disciples in seriatim. It is said that it happened on one Sunday evening (on the evening of that day, the first day of the week), which means the apostles were in the dark. Not only that they were in the dark but also hiding in the dark, as it is emphasized in the Gospel that the doors being shut where the disciples were because of fear.
This was the sad setting when Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you." When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Notice my dear friends, when Jesus said “Peace be with you” to His disciples, He showed His hands and His side. He showed them His wounds. Why He had to do this? This is to tell us that peace is neither the absence of pain, nor the absence of problems, nor the absence of worries. Rather, peace is an experience of the presence of God despite the pain, problems or worries. It is an experience of the love of God in the midst of the cruelty of the world.  
To continue, it is said in the Gospel that the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. So we learn from here, that being aware of the presence of Jesus, of the presence of God, the disciples forgot their fear! The presence of Jesus was so overwhelming that one can say, “wala ka nang hahanapin pa” or “forget muna ang problema”.  
Finally, Jesus said to them, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit”. Here, we are being made aware that the Holy Spirit is with us as we receive Him when we were baptized and in the sacrament of Confirmation just like the experience of the early disciples. It is somehow improper then to say that God has abandoned anyone because God Himself has come for all of us. God the Father gave us Jesus and then the Holy Spirit. What else do we want? Well, it is time for us to do our mission in this world being sent by Jesus to testify that God is with us.
Let me end with a personal sharing; there is this one good young man in our parish whose parents are working in a rented fishpond. He wanted to become a teacher but he did not pass the board exam. So he tried culinary arts and became a chef but he was not rehired due to management’s prerogative. When he applied for overseas work, everything was ok except for the result of his medical exam given by the company. He told me he was confused and did not know what lies ahead of him. He was depressed. I told him to pray more. His father also was worried about him and his future.
One day, I asked his family to have a life-size image of Jesus on the cross which would be used for the Holy Week procession. I told them God will bless them for their efforts for the good of our parish. Though I know how difficult it was for them to accept my suggestion, they willingly did have such image during our Holy Week celebration this year. It was this young man who assisted his parents in preparing the image for the procession. I saw his dedication for the parish during the Holy Week. I reminded him that God will make His presence felt in his life.
My dear friends, this morning when I was browsing my Facebook account, I saw his name as one of those who pass the licensure exams for teachers this year. His dream now comes true. But for me as a priest, it is a concrete manifestation that God is with us to be at peace in this restless world. Amen.      

Monday, May 18, 2015

Ascencion Sunday

In Exodus 2:11-12, it is said that one day, Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, so he looked in all directions to make sure no one was watching, then he killed the Egyptian and hid the body in the sand.
This Bible passage gives us a picture of one who intends to perform an evil act. First, the person looks in all directions, from left to right, to make sure that no one sees what he intends to do. Second, he performs his evil act with the intention to conceal it from any one.  In most cases, we experience this as a reality when we are tempted to sin. We looked in various directions and thought no one was watching us; thus we fell into sin.
My dear friends, on today's celebration of the Ascencion of our Lord, we are given a reminder that we should not think no one knows what we are doing in secret. In our Gospel, Mark 16:15-20, it is said that our Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to the disciples, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. This verse tells us that before doing anything, we have to look up first rather than to look around. Why? So that we become aware that Jesus is up in heaven and He watches over us. We then have the chance to pray to avoid falling into sin. But most of all, before we begin what we intend to do, we pray first, we ask for God's grace. Today's feast of the Ascencion of our Lord cannot but remind us, pray to God first before we move. Amen.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Our Gospel is taken from John 15: 1-8 where it says Jesus told His disciples that He is the true vine and God the Father is the vine dresser. This declaration of Jesus reminds us of His intimate relationship with His Father. He tells us about Himself but not without telling us about His Father. In other words, we cannot take away or exclude His Father from the story of His life. Without His Father, we cannot therefore have a complete story of Jesus. To go further, Jesus said, "Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit." My dear friends, by using such metaphor, Jesus conveys to us that in His relationship with God the Father, He knows and believes that eveything His Father does is always for the good of everybody. His Father assures not only that there must be fruits found in every branch, but there should be more fruits. And if ever a branch does not bear fruit, He has to cut it off. 

My dear friends, let me use an analogy so that we can understand better this relationship of Jesus and His Father. We may say that like any good father of a family, He wishes everything good for His Son as well as to see His Son growing as a good Son. To do this, any good father makes some checking with regard to the quality of his son's friends or companions. If a father would see his son is keeping a bad company, then he would remind him of the ill effects which his bad friends might bring to him. If his friends are good, any good father will take good care of them for the good of his son.

Now, my dear friends, what is significant here in this Gospel is that Jesus said, "You are already made clean by the word which I have spoken to you." This statement suggests that those who are connected to Jesus are made worthy companions because of what Jesus does to them. In other words, any son who has a friend whom his father does not like, will make some justification in order to keep their friendship intact. In the case of Jesus, He does not make justifications rather He makes His friends fit and qualified to be His companions through His words. Therefore, it is up to His friends now to show some proof that they are indeed worthy companions. There must be some indicators that they are worthy to be called friends. They should produce fruits. 

My dear friends, this Gospel is relevant for us as Catholics who believe in Jesus. We are made worthy to be called His friends through His grace. We are made clean through His sacraments He entrusted to His Church. In Baptism, all our sins are forgiven. In Confirmation and Holy Eucharist, we sustain our cleanliness. In Confession and Extreme Unction, our sins after Baptism are forgiven and make us clean once more. Jesus has done everything for us to be fit and qualified to be with Him. But all these should not end there. We are expected to bear fruits. It means, Jesus has done to make us good as His friends then we must show in our words and actions that we indeed become good. Good works may not be necessary for salvation as some Christians believe, but for us Catholics, good works are fruits and expression of a faithful who is already saved by Jesus. Therefore, if Jesus said, "Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, the Father takes away", this is but necessary for His Father to do. Any person who has received the grace, blessings and the love of God but does not do anything good in this world is ungrateful. And what is the use of doing good to an ungrateful person? It is better to shut him up! In extension, any person who has already been saved by Jesus when He died on the cross has still the chance to go to hell because he has never treasured the gift of salvation through his words and actions.

My dear friends, let me end my homily by sharing to you my experience. In one parish where I was assigned, there was this homosexual, a teen-ager who did not go to mass. He did not even have the time to visit the church. He had this notion that an homosexual is not loved by God. For him, an homosexual is already condemned while he is still alive here on earth. He concluded that the church has no room for an homosexual or gay like him. One day, I had the opportunity to talk to him. I chose him to organize the Ministry of Ushers and Greeters for the parish. This opened his way to the church. But it was not that easy for me to make our parishioners accept him in our midst. It was one Palm Sunday celebration, while he was performing his duty as Usher and Greeter, he was put to shame by a parishioner in front of many people. He hid himself and cried because of this. It was only later that I learned about what happened. So I talked to him. I made him realize that it is only God who can judge us whether we are good or bad. It is not right therefore to say just because he is an homosexual or gay he shall go to hell. Any person will go to hell not because he is a man or she is a woman but because he or she has not done any good though God has been good to him or her. No matter how he is condemned by all, it does not mean that all who condemn him are right and just. Moreover, I let him know that it is Jesus who has made him clean. He must only focus his eyes on Jesus and do what is good. My dear friends, since then until now, this young homosexual has been the catalyst of the parish in attracting many youth to join the ministry. He is only one of the many branches of Jesus, the true vine. How about you? Do you bear much fruits also? It is all up to you.