Jesus said:
“My sheep hear my voice;
I know them, and they follow me.
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
No one can take them out of my hand.
My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all,
and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand.
The Father and I are one.”
Jesus shows how good he is as a shepherd. He KNOWS his sheep. He gives them ETERNAL LIFE. He has assured them that NO ONE CAN TAKE THEM OUT of the Father 's hand. Jesus is concerned more on the safe condition of his sheep. He never mentions anything about his benefits as a shepherd. He never thinks of what he can get from his sheep. He never sees his shepherding as a form of investment with an expectation that there is a return of investment or profits. He is really a good shepherd because he does everything for the good of his sheep. He does it because of love.
Today's Gospel reminds me of the gift of priesthood. Being a priest is not about being powerful. It is neither all about social status nor social symbol. It is about shepherding God's flock with love as Jesus loves them.
But human as I am, selfishness tends to disrupt my vocation to shepherd God's people with love. Sometimes, I ask myself, if I take care of God's people then who will take care of me? Insecurity begins to upset me. Some people would think that just because a priest is financially stable, everything will be ok with him in his old age; But what can he do with his money if nobody takes care of him? Some people would think that just because a priest has his nephews, nieces, relatives and friends, everything will be taken cared of; Well this remains to be seen. Moreover, physical incapacity can at times prevent a priest to shepherd God's people even if he is young. Who will replace him in the parish? What can he do as a disabled priest? Who will accept him as a shepherd? What is his use for?
Today, the Gospel reminds me that there is only one good shepherd for all -he is Jesus Christ. In fact, I am just one among his sheep who tries to hear his voice so that I can follow him. As a sheep, I invite others to find comfort in him alone. He is the only one who can give love to everybody without any selfishness. He is the only good shepherd whom even a priest should rely upon. Whatever will happen in the near future, I just close my eyes and let the good shepherd leads me.