In the movie Doctor Strange, a
doctor met an accident which made his hands useless. He tried to look for
healing yet he failed. It was only when he met the Ancient One in an enclave
that he hoped to find his healing. While trying to heal himself in the enclave,
he learned that he was with some extraordinary people at the frontline of a
battle against unseen dark forces bent on destroying reality. He had to make a
choice then whether to return to his great life as a doctor or to leave it all
behind to defend the world. He decided to defend the world. At the end, the
good triumphs over evil. But if the viewers waited for the final ending of the
movie, it ended with Mordo, Doctor Strange’s friend siding with evil. It actually
suggests that evil triumphs so often in this world. This seems realistic as we
look at what is happening in our world or society these days. Evil is happening
everywhere every day. In a Catholic mind like me, a question arises, “Why does
God allow evil to triumph in this world? The Gospel of Matthew 13: 24-43 can
help us reflect on the answer to this question. Jesus, in His first parable,
said something about a man who sowed good seed in his field but his enemy came
and sowed weeds among the wheat in the field. Evil seems to prosper at first.
But Jesus finally revealed the triumph of evil is short-lived by saying these: “Let both grow together until the
harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first
and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”
To end, we have to accept the
fact that as we live here on earth, we can experience the battle between evil
and good. Even in each one of us, we sometimes experience difficulty in making
choices, to do good and avoid evil. Jesus told us to be steadfast so as not to
succumb to evil. We have to fix our eyes on the everlasting reward in heaven
for being good and for doing good. Our world is like the field in the parable
that as we grow together, good people and evil doers, we must remain good while
waiting for the harvest time when good and evil are separated. For those who
have done wicked deeds, hell. For those who have good deeds, eternal life in
heaven. Amen.