Saturday, March 26, 2011

3rd Sunday of Lent “A”

Today is the third Sunday of Lent. The Church reminds us to grow in faith. However, we cannot talk about growing in faith without first talking about faith. More so we cannot talk about what faith is without talking about what is revelation. Faith and revelation go together.
Revelation is the unveiling of God of Himself to man. It is a Divine initiative to tell man His will. Faith is the response of man to God’s revelation. Faith makes us believe and accept God as his ultimate meaning of his life.
This is what our Gospel tries to show us today. Here we find Jesus initiates a conversation with the Samaritan woman. It reminds us of God, that He always takes the first move. He reveals himself, his will.
Now we go to the response of the Samaritan woman. Remember that faith is a response of man to the revelation of God. And here we can find three different responses of the Samaritan woman to Jesus. These different responses make us know the stages of faith.
First, she called Jesus “Jew” –this is the first stage of faith. This is faith based on a natural knowledge of God. We know God through our parents, catechists or others. We believe in Him because it is what others tell us to do so. But in the real sense, God is a stranger for us.
Second, she addressed Jesus “Sir” as she later said Jesus is a prophet. This is a faith based on the contemplation and study of believers especially with the scripture or theological research which deepens knowledge of revealed truth.
Third, she indirectly implicates the Jesus is the Son of God. This is the supernatural sense of faith. We never stop to welcome, to penetrate more deeply and to live more fully from the gift of Divine Revelation. This is the stage wherein we can say that everything that is happening around is in accordance with the will of God and we accept everything as He is the meaning of our life.

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