Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Silver Wedding Anniversary of Arnel and Juvy Yarra -July 16, 2014

In the Discovery Channel, there is this science entertainment television program known as MythBusters. The show’s hosts would use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, or urban legends. By the end of the episode, they would rate the myths as “busted”, “plausible” or “confirmed.” Today, I would like to probe in a similar way to test the validity of myths about love with the marital experience of Juvy and Arnel, the MythBusters for 25 years. Myth 1: Love at First Sight Is it possible to fall in love after just one look? For Arnel and Juvy, without the so-called love at first sight, this 25th Wedding Anniversary would not happen. Why? Well, Arnel and Juvy first met at the then LM Cinema near Kalibo Plaza. At that time, Arnel was working as a crew in the said movie house. He was assigned for the maintenance of the air-conditioning. Juvy too was working there as a part-time worker of the cinema’s canteen. It was one beautiful day, while Juvy was walking down the stairs of the cinema, she captured Arnel’s attention. Arnel was so interested on her that he asked all his close friends to search and to find her. Immediately, they followed his urgent request. Of course, it is obvious Arnel found Juvy. It was how and when they started to make their love story. My dear friends, whether what happened between them is love at first sight or not, the truth is we believe in the Divine Providence. God provides us or gives us the person who can truly and rightfully love us in His time. Myth 2: Too Young to Fall in Love Is it possible for a young person to fall in love and sustain such love until the end? Well, for Juvy and Arnel, they can! Arnel had already graduated from a maritime school at that time. He was just preparing his papers to work abroad when he proposed his intention to Juvy. He was too persistent and he would not take no as an answer. While Arnel was waiting for a job abroad, he enjoyed his time with Juvy. It was only in the month of June, as the opening of classes began that Arnel was surprised about Juvy. He found out that Juvy was studying at the then Aklan College. He also found out through Juvy’s class card that she is a 3rd Year High School student. He was really surprised that a physically well-developed lady is just a 14 year old girl. She was an early bloomer for her age so to say. My dear friends, though Juvy was too young to fall in love being at the age of 14, yet the truth remains, love knows no boundaries. True love can be possible for the young ones or even for the old ones. True love is possible because it is God who sets the perfect timing when to love and provides the right person whom to love. Myth 3: Long Distance Relationships never Last. Is it possible that a long distance relationships will last? Well, after two years of working abroad, Arnel went home and saw Juvy as a lady, and no longer a baby. Arnel went abroad again and came back home after seven years of a long distance relationship with Juvy. This time, they decided to get married. They had their civil wedding before Arnel returned to work abroad. After two years, he came back home for a church wedding with Juvy. Their wedding was held on the same date, July 16. For Arnel and Juvy, long distance relationships work! My dear friends, love can survive despite the physical distance between a husband and his wife. The secret of a lasting relationship is not about the distance but love. It is a kind of love which God provides to those who love Him. Myth 4: Marriage is made in Heaven Is it possible that two people are destined by God to be together? Well, we believe that marriage is a vocation. It is a call from God for a man and a woman to join together as husband and wife until the death of either party. Thus, as a Catholic Christians, we believe that marriage is the will of God. For Arnel and Juvy, they both experience how God has worked and is still at work in their family life. Remember, Juvy and Arnel, it was raining when you got married in the church. Today, it is raining again as you celebrate your 25th Wedding Anniversary. Is this coincidence or a sign of God’s Divine Providence? Remember, Juvy and Arnel, after a year of your marriage in the Church, God gave you John Arvy. Then as you celebrated your 5th Wedding Anniversary on July 16, 1994, God gave you on that very same day another gift –Hannah Jane. You have one boy and one girl as gifts from God. Is this coincidence or a sign of God’s Divine Providence? Now Arnel and Juvy, despite the great challenges that passed your way, you are still together and have reached your 25th Wedding Anniversary. It has been 25 years that you have been best friend for each other, best buddies together, aside from being husband and wife. It has been 25 years of marriage based on “Give and Take” arrangement between the two of you. But above all, it has been 25 years that you have God as the center of everything as a couple, as a family. Arnel and Juvy, we, the Christian community, are happy to witness today the renewal of your marital vows. We have witnessed how generous and dedicated you are as a family to our Church. We have witnessed how you hold on to each other. But Juvy and Arnel, hopefully in your 25 years in marriage you have witnessed how more generous and well dedicated God is to both of you. Moreover, we hope that as we await for another 25 years to celebrate your Golden years of marriage, we can witness from both of you not only that you hold on to each other but above all you hold on to God. Your vocation as a renewed married couple is no longer “Go and multiply” but what Jesus has commanded you: “Love each other as I (Jesus) have loved you (John 15:12). God bless! Congratulations! Best wishes!

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