Saturday, October 19, 2019

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Book, Moments of Fr. Orbos, there is this story of a sibling rivalry between Michelle and Michael. Their mother thought they would outgrow it, but it got worse as the years went by. She said the greatest pain in their hearts as parents is to see their children not getting along. All they could do was pray, and pray they did.

Then one day, in a retreat, her daughter broke down and lamented having everything in this world except the love and care of her Kuya Michael. That broke ice. Michael went to his sister and embraced her, telling her how much he loved her though he never expressed it.

For their mother, she believed prayers work. Prayer can melt the hardest of hearts.

This too is the message conveyed by the Gospel of Luke 18: 1-8. Prayer pays off. This is true for those who trust in God. Instead of losing one’s heart, Jesus reminds us to have faith, that kind of faith which does not give up praying and believing until we get what we pray for. Like the widow in the Gospel, we are called to pray unceasingly.

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