Saturday, January 4, 2020

Lovely and Gliford's Wedding

Lovely and Gliford, long have you lived your life by simply existing. But you know and feel deep inside you, you do not just live for the sake of living. You know that life is more worth living when there is happiness.  This is the reason why every time something bad happens in your life, initially you react negatively, yet you bounce back over time. You believe that life must go on. You believe there is happiness and that happiness comes in God's time. Then one day, it happens that God leads you to each  other. It happens that you realize the time you spend for each other is a moment of happiness. So here you are now. You are happy to be together that is why you decide to get married.

But take note, Lovely and Gliford,  it does not always mean that when both of you are happy, you will also have a happy marriage. There is a distinction between personal happiness and marital happiness. Lovely, I am sure you are happy as a lawyer and you are happier to be with Gliford, a nurse, and soon to be a doctor. Gliford, I am sure you are happy too as a nurse and you are happier to marry Lovely, a lawyer. This is your personal happiness. This personal happiness of yours may affect your marital relationship positively. Positively, in the sense that with your job, you can secure a better future. With your combined work force, what else would you ask from you partner in marriage? You have money, property and industry. You have all the reasons to feel fulfilled and live a life of happiness. You have a very ideal wedding as both of you enter into this with emotional maturity and financial stability.

However, you should be aware that your personal happiness may affect your marriage negatively. Sometimes, your work demands from you most of your time. You have to respond to a call beyond your duty. This means that at some point in your life, you have to sacrifice your marriage for a greater cause i.e., service to mankind. Gliford, I personally know Lovely being my classmate in the College of Law. She often forgets herself just to serve and help those who are in need. In this sense, your marriage is not one without a struggle.

But Lovely and Gliford, this does not mean there is no happy marriage for you. There is a happy marriage as long as both of you never give up despite the struggle. A happy marriage is your reason why every time something bad happens in your married life, you must bounce back over time. Believe that married life must go on. Believe there is a marital happiness and that happiness in marriage comes from God. As you struggle to get hold of happiness in your marriage, and you find yourselves beset by your weaknesses and imperfections, just let God be your guide.

Lovely, remember when Gliford extended a friend request to you on your Facebook account, you could have ignored or deleted his name in your list like what you have done to others. But God is good. God has guided you to give a special attention to Gliford's name.  Gliford, if Lovely had not accepted your friend request, you could have go on with your life without her. You do not just waste your time with people who make you feel unimportant. But God is good. God has guided you to express your particular interest to Lovely. Lovely and Gliford, nothing happens by chance. Everything about the two of you happens because God has guided you.

If you think that Dr. Porferio G. Bullo has guided you to know each other, well, believe that it is God who has guided Dr. Bullo to make all these happen. It is God who has guided you to celebrate this wedding! Therefore, remain in Him; for in Him alone your happiness is made complete. Jesus Christ confirmed this when He said, "Ask and you will receive it, so that your joy may be complete" (John 16: 24).

Moreover, Lovely and Gliford, a happy marriage is not made by chances. Rather, it is a gift from God. Yours then is a happy marriage as you believe that God has lead you to each other and to no other. Believe also that what God has joined together, no one can put asunder (Mark 10:9). Just like the marriage of St. Joseph and Mary, your marriage is in accordance with the will of God. Gliford, you are from Banga, Aklan and the patron saint of your place is St. Joseph, the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Joseph was married to Mary, the Immaculate Conception, the patron saint of Batan, Aklan where Lovely comes from. I say this again, just like St. Joseph and Mary's marriage is according to the will of God, yours too is according to the will of God. As your marriage is in accordance with the will of God, yours will be a happy marriage. So be happy together. Amen.

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