Saturday, July 9, 2016

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our Gospel of Luke 10:1-20 tells us that aside from the chosen twelve, seventy-two others were appointed to go ahead of Him in pairs. The reason in appointing them is expressed by Jesus Himself -the harvest is abundant but the laborers are few. This could mean that there were many towns and places Jesus intended to visit but the chosen twelve were few in numbers to prepare the way of the Lord in all those towns and places. 

Part of the 72's appointment is one, to be sent like lambs among wolves. It means that they should expect danger in dealing with people. Two, they should bring nothing with them and talk to no one along the way as their appointment requires the immediate execution of their mission. Three, into whatever house they would enter they shall bring peace if the people living there are peaceful. This means that their prayer for peace in the home is executory. Yet the execution is under the condition that the people who should receive God's peace must be deserving of such peace. Four, they should consider what they eat and drink while they visit people in their house as payment for their labor. This reminds the 72 that their appointment is sacred, it is from God. It is God who will provide them of whatever they need. So, as they eat and drink, they shall treat all these as payment from God; for food and drinks are graces from God. But what is most important in their appointment is their mission once they are welcomed by people in the town they have entered. They have to make the welcoming people fully aware that the Kingdom of God is at hand for them because Jesus shall visit them. The 72 must prepare the people to accept and embrace Jesus wholeheartedly. Their mission is not to become popular. Rather, they shall realize that they are just God's laborers. Everything they do must be for God's glory. 

To end, I remember when I chose to be assigned here in my present parish (San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish in Camaligan, Batan, Aklan) in 2012. My parish is known as one of the economically poor parishes as most people live here with their meager income which is enough to meet their basic needs. The parish is not included in their budget. I knew how hard it was for the parish to meet the daily, weekly and monthly expenses like water and electric bills. I did not know where to get some funds for the repair and maintenance of the parish as some parts like the ceiling needed a major repair. On June 20, 2012, I was bombarded by my many concerns on how to manage the parish. Then I prayed that night to God and asked for the intercession of San Lorenzo Ruiz to help me. But now, it is 2016 already and all my worries and concerns about the parish do not bother me anymore. Parishioners help all the time to make the parish a better place where Jesus shall visit us and in gratitude for His visit, we shall accept and embrace Him wholeheartedly. Most of the parishioners become aware that I am only God's laborer and I can bring blessings of peace to them as they deserve them. Of course, this does not mean that our parish is the extension of heaven which is free from any degree of evil. Just like a lamb sent among wolves, there are some who refuse to cooperate and even try to destroy the goodness of the parishioners who are now welcoming Jesus in their lives. I expect this. It is in our Gospel that God's laborers must expect to face the kind of people who are wolves to their fellow men. It is even mentioned first in the list of precautionary measures of Jesus in our Gospel. Thereof, I thank God for allowing me to be of service for His glory. Amen. 

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