Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Thanksgiving of Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia 7/18/2016

Our Gospel, Matthew 12: 38-42 narrates that some scribes and Pharisees asked Jesus to work for a sign. The sign here refers to a proof perceptible to the senses that would clearly reveal the authority of Jesus, which includes His words and deeds, is all from God. A sign is asked for the purpose of converting unbelievers like the scribes and Pharisees in our Gospel to a belief in Jesus as the Son of God. A sign is asked to know the will of God. A sign is asked to confirm that what is said and done is in accord with God's plan.

Jesus answered the only sign that will be given them is that of the prophet Jonah. What is this sign of Jonah? Who is Jonah? 

Jonah was a prophet sent by God to Nineveh to preach repentance but he rose up to flee by ship unto Tarshish instead of going to the said city of Nineveh. God then sent out a great wind upon the sea so that the ship was like to be broken. In order to save the rest of the people in the ship, Jonah  was thrown overboard from it and swallowed by a large fish, remaining in its belly for three days before being cast up onto the shore unharmed. This is the sign of Jonah: that God rescued Jonah from death by means of the "great fish" to go to Nineveh and preach repentance there. The sign of Jonah revealed the will of God. The sign of Jonah confirmed that everything should be in accord with God's plan. The purpose of the sign of Jonah is to convert unbelievers to a belief in God. 

Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia keep in your mind and heart the day of your ordination as the sign of Jonah. After your four years in High School, you decided to leave the seminary despite the advice of your Prefect of Discipline that you are called to the priesthood. You rose up to flee unto Las Pinas to study at Perpetual Help wanting to be a nurse instead of becoming a priest. More than three days and three nights, you experienced restlessness. I remember in 2005, we met in my former parish at the Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in BF Homes Paranaque and I was happy that you were looking for a priest to guide you back on your sacred vocation. Finally, after two years outside the seminary, you went back to Aklan, you went back to the seminary, you went back to become a priest. 

As the sign of Jonah revealed the will of God, so your ordination reveals the will of God for you -that you belong indeed to the Community of Priests. As the sign of Jonah confirmed that everything should be in accord with God's plan, so your ordination confirms that you have done everything in accord with God's plan. As the purpose of the sign of Jonah is to convert unbelievers to a belief in God, so your ordination can bring unbelievers to a belief in God. 

Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia remember that you were given the sign of Jonah. Do not look for any sign anymore. Do not say you will remain a priest as long as you are assigned in a financially-established parish. Do not say you will remain a priest as long as you can collect some best toys for the big boys like my pajero and montero sports or my Delica and Grandia. Do not say you will remain a priest as long as you are loved by many and enjoy a good reputation. Do not say you will remain a priest if you can visit the Pope in Rome. Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia, just remember the day of your ordination. You have realized what it means to say that it is God's will and not yours is done. You have personally witnessed how God has worked in some mysterious ways to make you a priest today. Let your ordination be the most memorable experience in your ministry. Let your ordination be the sign of Jonah for you. Let your ordination be enough as a sign from God to embrace your priesthood.

Nevertheless, though you keep your ordination as a sign from God, never forget your personal encounter with Jesus everyday as a priest. Signs are just signs. Signs are nothing without Jesus. In our Gospel, Jesus Himself declared that there is something greater than Jonah. It means there is greater than the signs you are asking fom God: He is Jesus Himself. Your ordination is not just your personal story but above all it is the story of Jesus in your personal life.

Sometimes you might think your ordination is a sign that God needs you to do something. Well, Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia think otherwise. Your ordination is a sign that Jesus does something special for you. Sometimes you might think your ordination is a sign that you have done your best before God. Well, Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia think otherwise. Your ordination is a sign that Jesus loves you even in your worst. In short, your ordination as well as our ordination is a sign for the whole Christian community of how Jesus loves us. Jesus has called us; He has chosen us despite our weakness, our sinfulness, our defective personality and frailty. Who can love us the way we are except for Jesus? 

Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia, without Jesus, our ordination is nothing, our priesthood is nothing. Signs are just signs. Signs are nothing without Jesus. This is why in our Gospel when Jesus mentioned about the sign of Jonah, He immediately mentioned something about Himself: "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of  the earth." Signs are just signs. Signs are nothing without Jesus. 

Moreover, Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia, during your ordination, remember that you prostrated before the altar of the Lord. Such act of prostrating oneself before the altar of the Lord happens only twice in your life as a priest. The first one, as I have said it, was at your ordination and the second one shall be on Good Friday. On both occasions, the act of prostrating yourself before the altar of the Lord is an admission of your guilt, that you are sinful and weak. On your ordination, you prostrated and thanked Jesus for choosing you to the priesthood. On Good Friday, you shall prostrate and thank Jesus for sustaining you to the priesthood. On your ordination, the act of prostrating before the altar of the Lord is a sign that despite your human limitation, Jesus loves you. On Good Friday, the act of prostrating before the altar of the Lord makes you a sign that despite your human limitation, you must love God's people as Jesus has loved you.

Therefore, Rev. Fr. Eubert Sarabia, your ordination is a sign from Jesus. It is a sign of the love of Jesus. No doubt about it. Jesus has already given you a sign. Jesus loves you. Do not look for any sign anymore. Rather, as a newly-ordained priest, be a SIGN of the love of Jesus in His Church. Live as a priest. Die as a priest. May Jesus bless you and keep you. May Jesus make His face shine on you. Amen.

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