Saturday, January 7, 2017

Noni and Mila's 40th Wedding Anniversary 1-7-17

My dear friends in Christ, Noni and Mila, 40 years of marital life and relationship with the same person, with your one and only spouse, what else shall I say to you? Shall I deliver a homily or shall I rather ask you to give us your secret on how you keep your marriage work? Nevertheless, married couples like you, Noni and Mila, are living testaments that there is marriage made in heaven. Everything in your marriage and married life happens according to God’s divine providence. Remember, your love story began with a simple story line. It is said that the two of you met during Noni’s homecoming. It was at such time that Nang Sel invited Mila, her best friend, to join the family in welcoming Noni. What happened next from that event brings us all here to celebrate this 40th Wedding Anniversary. This love story thereof is not just a story of love between Noni and Mila but also a story of God who has brought them together for the first time and has kept them together until now. This is important for us to hear because there is a lot of talk about crisis in marriage nowadays. We seldom hear some good news about marriage like the two of you who celebrate your 40th Wedding Anniversary, that during your marriage you are blessed with five wonderful children, two boys and three girls who are all successful in their own careers and in their married life, that as of this date you are blessed with seven grandchildren and that there are two more granddaughters on the way. We need to hear some good news about marriage and thanks to you Noni and Mila, to be the bearer of this good news. For all of us who believe that marriage is a vocation from God, it is logical for us to conclude that with the celebration of your wedding anniversary, your marriage has been made in heaven. Thus, it is meant to be forever.

Now, Noni and Mila, after you have lived your life successfully, both in your career and in your family life, you are encouraged to live together not only with your spouse but with Jesus in the Church. You are called to proclaim the good news about marriage. It is time for you then to make your love present in the ministry of the Church. Your encouragement to other married couples to keep their marriage sacred, your inspiration to other couples to spend their time in prayers as one family, your assurance to them that there is God who protects their marriage are things you can do as a result or outcome of your marital commitment. To stand as a living witness that there is good news in marriage is fundamental to its authenticity. If your marriage is a good news, there is no way in this world you can resist telling people there is a successful marriage. It is just like a beautiful wedding picture taken on April 10, 1977, no one could stop you Mila from posting it on your Facebook last November 15, 2015. Do you see the effect of having it posted? Many people congratulated you and many were made happy to look at your wedding picture. They were even inspired that they said many good things about the two of you. This shall also be true if both of you will bear the good news of marriage in the Church. You will make everybody happy and inspired to treat marriage as a sacred vocation from God.

To end, Noni and Mila, your 40 years in your marriage is not only a great sign of your success but of your faultless fidelity. This reminds us all then that our vocation here on earth, whether in marriage or in priesthood, is not only to be successful but above all to be faithful. Congratulations. God bless. See you on your 50th Wedding Anniversary. Amen.

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