Tuesday, December 20, 2016

6th Day of Simbang Gabi

The 1973 movie, Message to My daughter, is the moving story of Miranda, a completely disoriented teenage girl who saw the world as “meaningless, cruel and stupid.” Miranda did not know her mother. She died when Miranda was only two years old. Miranda felt unloved and was incapable of loving anyone. Then she discovered some tapes on which her dying mother had recorded a “message” for her. As she listened to the words of her long-dead mother, she realized that she was not the unloved child she thought she was. Her mother had thought of her and had loved her very tenderly. This discovery brought about in her a complete change in the way she saw herself and the world around her. She was finally able to accept herself and put her life together again.

Though I have never watched this said movie, the way it is presented gives us an idea that perception affects character. Miranda’s perception of her life and of the world affected the way she forged her future. When she discovered the tapes on which her dying mother had recorded some good messages for her, her perception changed. When she changed the perception of her life and of the world, things completely changed. Perception is not just a way of seeing things but a way of believing and living with what one believes. It affects character which influences anyone in making his or her life script or a story line of his or her life.

In our Gospel, Luke 1: 39-45, it is told that Mary visited Elizabeth. This happened after the angel Gabriel appeared first to Zechariah and then to Mary. Prior to this event, Zechariah and Elizabeth seemed to live a miserable life for not having any child of their own. When the angel appeared, Zechariah perceived that what the angel announced to him was impossible. But for Elizabeth, she perceived that what the angel announced was the dawning of time for God to take away her reproach among men. She had a better perception of life compared to her husband based upon their reactions on the angel’s announcement. She showed she was hopeful about their future. She believed that good things would happen, and so it happened. Going back to the situation in our Gospel, Elizabeth displayed her consistent character by saying, “Blessed is she who trusted that the Lord’s words to her would be fulfilled.” She would always see life in a positive light. She believed that there would always be a divine intervention to lift up one’s broken spirit. Her perception of her life was made manifest in her character. She lived a life in God’s control and supervision.

My dear friends, we are called today to check our perception. Our perception affects our character. In particular, we check our perception about Christmas. The way we look at Christmas season affects how we celebrate it. Just like Elizabeth, we should have a better perception of life. At this point, we should have a better perception regarding Christmas. This would only happen if we realize that Christmas is not just a social event but above all a religious-spiritual event. During this season, we recognize how God has intervened in our life. We recognize how God has saved us. If we do recognize what God has done for us, we celebrate Christmas in prayer and thanksgiving. We learn that Christmas is not all about having parties, availing Christmas sales, receiving Christmas bonus, etc. but it is about preparing ourselves to let God who loves us lead our life. Christmas is about God who has always fulfilled His promise to give us a better life. Amen.

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