Friday, December 23, 2016

8th Day of Simbang Gabi

King Midas was a very rich king. He had more gold than any other king in the world. He was happy with his gold that he loved it better than anything else in all the world. King Midas had one little daughter, whose name was Marigold. But he loved his gold better than his own little daughter. His one great wish seemed to be for more and more gold.

One day while he was in his gold room counting his money, a beautiful fairy stood before him. The fairy said that she was willing to grant any wish of the king if ever he would ask for one. King Midas asked that everything he touches should turn to gold. So, it happened. As soon as the sun arose he tried the gift by touching the bed lightly with his hand. The bed turned to gold. He ran around the room, touching everything he could see. His magic gift turned all to shining, yellow gold. Later he realized, there was nothing he could get to eat. All was gold. His little daughter came running in from the garden. He touched her with his lips. At once, the little girl was changed to a golden statue. In his grief, he called upon the fairy who had given him the gift of the golden touch. He begged the fairy to take all his gold but give him back his little daughter. So, it happened. Alas, the king knew that happiness is not found with his gold. Then, he and his little daughter sat down to breakfast.

My dear friends in Christ, the story reminds us that happiness does not lie on our every wish which is granted. Rather, happiness lies on a grateful heart. Whenever a person is thankful for what he or she has in life, be it big or small, happiness is surely there.

In our Gospel, Luke 1:57-66, it is said that neighbors and relatives of Elizabeth and Zechariah rejoiced with the couple upon hearing that the Lord had extended His mercy to the latter by giving them a child. Here, the Gospel narrates that those neighbors and relatives were happy first and foremost because of God’s mercy. The Gospel even emphasizes that the happiness of the couple, Elizabeth and Zechariah was also based on God’s mercy when they named their child, John. The name John means the Lord is gracious. In other words, all the said characters in this Gospel were thankful to God for the gift of life in the person of John. They were not just happy because their wish was granted. They were not just happy because they had John with them. They were happy above all because whatever God would have done for them, they were ready to thank Him.

My dear friends in Christ, this Christmas season, in no way one could be happy unless he or she would be ready to thank God for whatever he or she would receive. Even if parents give their children some expensive toys or gifts, those things could not make their children happy unless the children have a grateful heart. If they do not have such a heart, then they would ask for more and more but they would never be satisfied. Even if a husband and his wife exchange gifts with each other, one would never be appreciated for the gift he or she bought if the other who received it has no grateful heart. Yes. A person who does not know how to thank God for whatever comes his or her way, will never be happy. He or she will only see something to be blamed for. He or she will only make others unhappy. This is why this Christmas season, our Gospel calls our attention to at least learn to be thankful to God. Christmas shall be merry and bright only for persons who find the reason to thank God. Amen.

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