Thursday, December 22, 2016

7th Day of Simbang Gabi

A Chinese Filipino businessman, Henry Sy, Sr. was listed as the number 1 billionaire in the Philippines by Forbes Magazine in 2011. In his youth, he wanted to get rich ever since, so he tried many businesses to get enough income but failed. After trying so hard, something crossed to his mind. He thought of building a small shoe store. But how could he get some customers? He noticed that Mercury Drug, which has been in the business for so many years, has many loyal customers coming to them. He approached the owner and asked if he can rent and place his small shoe store there even with a very small portion. Unfortunately, he was not allowed and got embarrassed even though he asked politely. Instead, he promised to himself that he will never let Mercury Drug step into his life when he gets rich. So in 1958, Mr. Sy established his shoe store in Quiapo, Manila, which became SM Quiapo, the first SM Mall, in November 1972. He even franchised Watson’s from Hong Kong which became the substitute for Mercury Drug. This is why we cannot find Mercury Drug in any SM malls in the whole Philippines.


My dear friends in Christ, this story (whether this is true or not) reminds us that though how small or little a person is in the eyes of many, we have no reason to belittle or make him or her feel small before us. Remember, we cannot predict the changing fortunes of times. Someday, we might find the said person as one who is greater than us as he or she made progress in life. We might also find ourselves lesser than him or her as we experience some setbacks in life. It might happen also that God’s blessings, though how little or small it is for others, the person who receives it knows how to treasure it and make it bigger. Just like in the story, Mr. Sy started small but he made everything to make it big in the business world.

In our Gospel, Luke 1: 46-56, Mary learned that she was having a baby boy. Because of this, she glorified God. She considered her pregnancy as a big blessing from God. She gave importance to what seemed to be an ordinary event for any woman who dreams to be a mother. Though it is not a big deal to get pregnant, Mary magnified God for she understood that behind a small gift there is a great Giver who is God. This Mary’s magnificat becomes true for a woman who finds it hard to have a baby. It is only God who can give her a baby. If this happens, surely the woman shall be forever grateful to God. Mary’s magnificat becomes true also whenever we treasure the little that we have and try to make it bigger. An example for this is our talent though how little it might be for others, but if we use it in serving God, then we make it bigger as we acknowledge the great Giver who provides it for us. My dear friends, today, we are called to reflect on how we give importance to what God has given us. No matter the size of the gift, it is still a gift from God. We cannot but magnifies His name. Amen.

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