There’s a woman who’s a senior student. She is
quiet and doesn’t keep company with anyone in the class. When the class is
over, she always rushes back home. Rumor has it, she had a baby since she was
18. Some say she has a child with her sugar daddy. The woman gets a tutor for
her kid and she visits her daughter one day. The tutor tells her that her
daughter has a drawing of a mother and child referring to them. The woman is
happy about it. In fact, she always accompanies her child in school and picks
her after she’s done with her class. And when they’re at home, they eat, play,
laugh and sleep together. She is an ordinary woman. Not so beautiful nor
outstanding but the smile she has for the kid makes me think that she is the
most beautiful woman. One day when the tutor visits them, she says to the woman
to tell the people about the truth. The woman asks, “What truth?” The tutor answers,
“The truth about your kid.” The woman tells her, “It is not necessary.” But the
tutor insists, “I’m just concerned because people are talking behind your back.”
She remains quiet as she remembers how she got her daughter in a garbage place.
Finally she says to the tutor, “I’d rather let them talk about me than talk
about my child.” At that time, graduation day of her child in a nursery school,
her tears fell for having a loving kid even it’s not her own blood.
My dear friends, the woman in the story welcomed the little child with a big heart. Though the child was considered “nothing” by her biological mother as she threw her in a trash, the woman in the story greatly loved her as if she were her own daughter. She gave her the value which the child as a human being deserves. We can say this is a kind of “magnificat” which literally means magnifies in a sense that what others give some little importance; one gives it an utmost importance for that is what it truly deserves. In our Gospel (Luke 1: 46-56), Mary’s soul magnifies the Lord. The magnificat is not an act of exaggeration on the part of Mary. Though how ordinary it seems for others to see a woman being pregnant, for Mary, being pregnant is so important that she glorifies God. She considers it as a great thing God has done for her. Then she continues to cite some events which others may consider ordinary but she regards them as God’s great works.
“Magnificat” is an expression of people who give importance even to little things given to them. This Christmas, we may receive gifts, some are valuable while others may not be the kind we like to keep. Some of us may only receive a mere Christmas card or greeting. But if we have the heart of Mary, we can express our magnificat, thanking and glorifying God not so much because of the gifts we receive but because of the people who remember us during this season. It is the love behind their gifts that matters, whether the gift is priceless or not. When someone gives us something this Christmas, we have to remember that it is the thought that counts. With this, we have the reason to magnify the Lord. Amen.
My dear friends, the woman in the story welcomed the little child with a big heart. Though the child was considered “nothing” by her biological mother as she threw her in a trash, the woman in the story greatly loved her as if she were her own daughter. She gave her the value which the child as a human being deserves. We can say this is a kind of “magnificat” which literally means magnifies in a sense that what others give some little importance; one gives it an utmost importance for that is what it truly deserves. In our Gospel (Luke 1: 46-56), Mary’s soul magnifies the Lord. The magnificat is not an act of exaggeration on the part of Mary. Though how ordinary it seems for others to see a woman being pregnant, for Mary, being pregnant is so important that she glorifies God. She considers it as a great thing God has done for her. Then she continues to cite some events which others may consider ordinary but she regards them as God’s great works.
“Magnificat” is an expression of people who give importance even to little things given to them. This Christmas, we may receive gifts, some are valuable while others may not be the kind we like to keep. Some of us may only receive a mere Christmas card or greeting. But if we have the heart of Mary, we can express our magnificat, thanking and glorifying God not so much because of the gifts we receive but because of the people who remember us during this season. It is the love behind their gifts that matters, whether the gift is priceless or not. When someone gives us something this Christmas, we have to remember that it is the thought that counts. With this, we have the reason to magnify the Lord. Amen.
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