Friday, February 7, 2020

Mia and Frank's Wedding

Life is beautiful. Regardless of circumstances, life is beautiful. There are many times however that unpleasant circumstances beat a person down that he/she fails to see its beauty.  Life then becomes a struggle for survival. One merely exists and hardly remembers that life is beautiful.  Even Job, one of the famous Bible figures, shared the same sentiment as he said, "Man born of woman is short-lived and full of trouble" (Job 14:1). The Book of Psalms (90:10)  also states, "Seventy is the sum of our years, or eighty, if we are strong; Most of them are toil and sorrow; they pass quickly, and we are gone." 

Eventually, with all its struggles and troubles, life is reduced as a matter of existence. But we are not here on earth just to exist. We are here to live because life is beautiful. God Himself assures us this when He said, "For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope" (Jeremiah 29:11). If we put our hope in His words, God can make a  beautiful life rise from any unpleasant circumstances. "And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts" (Romans 5:5). 

Dear Mia and Frank, life is beautiful because of the love of God for us. It is the love of God, and not our past, which determines our future. God said, "Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; See, I am doing something new!" (Isaiah 43:18-19). Because God loves us, He makes our unpleasant circumstances a blessing in disguise -to start anew. At first, we may not understand what is happening in our life. But later we shall realize God makes all things come right. So that at the end, we can say, life is indeed beautiful. 

Mia and Frank,  look how far you have come and you have become. I believe you see your life as somewhat beautiful being with each other.  It is written on your invitation letter, "It is with great joy that we invite you to share in our happiness." You will never say this if your life is not beautiful despite both of you experienced a kind of heartache caused by someone's broken vow. But let me tell you this, your life is beautiful as it is God who has led you to each other. Because God loves you, He makes your life beautiful. Because God loves you, He chooses you for each other -to love and be loved. Because God loves you, love has been poured out in your hearts. As an act of your gratitude to God, Mia and Frank, always love God first as a couple. Romans 8: 28 has this to say, "We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." This means that those who love God may expect that their life is and will always be beautiful regardless of their circumstances. Though they may not understand why some things have to happen, they just have to believe that God has a purpose i.e., to make life beautiful. 

Mia and Frank, your wedding tonight is an expression of your love for God. Though you can be together without the benefit of a Church's wedding, still you choose to ask for His blessing to live as husband and wife. Truly, there is no better way to show your love for God but to let Him continue His work which He started prior to your wedding.  To end, Mia and Frank, have no fear to live together because God is with you. Just remember the marriage of St. Joseph and Mary. God brought them together and He never abandoned them. So shall it be for you, Frank "Joseph" and "Maria" Melissa, God has brought you together in front of His altar. He would not bring you this far just to abandon you later. Rather, He will see to it that at the end of your long and well-spent life, you can say with confidence: Thank God for the gift of life, for another chance to live and love, which is beautiful. Amen.

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