Saturday, February 8, 2020

Rey Jenald and Maecel Joy's Wedding

Is it possible for a young couple to truly be in love? Many in our society raise their doubts on young couples like you, Rey Jenald and Maecel Joy, to celebrate true love. They believe that true love comes only for those who reach the age of maturity. But how can you believe this if you can find some adults or older people who said theirs is true love yet their marriage ends in divorce or separation? Moreover, there are couples who got married at a young age and still they remain in their marriage because they love each other until one or both of them die.   

Rey Jenald and Maecel Joy, the truth is, both the young ones and the once young, hardly delineate what true love is. Yet, all may agree that when couples love each other until death, theirs is indeed true love. In saying this, all may concur that love is true when  it lasts for a lifetime. And if you, Rey Jenald and Maecel Joy , believe in a fairy tale love story, the two of you share such faith and hope that true love does not just last for a lifetime; rather it lasts forever. Nevertheless, whether love shall last for a lifetime or it should be forever, what matters most is that what you Rey Jenald and Maecel Joy feel for each other is love. Love is what all you need. Love leads you to each other, and that same love shall lead both of you to God because He is the source of love. 1 John 4: 7 states, "Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God." 

Rey Jenald and Maecel Joy, look at how love has led you to each other. The first time you met during the celebration of the feast of our dear Sto. Nino, you were sixteen or seventeen then yet you were able to start a good relationship with each other. Despite the advices from your elders to focus on your studies, you were able to give time to your studies as well as to your relationship. You did not want to disobey and disappoint your elders but you did not want to lose each other either. So, you tried to make your relationship discreet.The biggest challenge of your secret relationship was how to keep it secret all the time. There were even trials in your relationship created by physical distance as Rey Jenald went to Manila while you were left here in Aklan, Maecel Joy. But look how far you have come! As your love has led you to each other, it has also led both of you to God. Yesterday, you celebrated your last anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend , but today you are here before the altar of God to ask for His blessings to begin your life as husband and wife. 

Rey Jenald and Maecel Joy, you have shown us that it is possible for a young couple like you to truly be in love. Your Church wedding today indicates that you are both truly in love. Now that you are married, remain in love. You have your lifetime to stay together and love each other. Trials and tribulations may still come your way. Bigger challenges may at once disturb your relationship. But as long as you love each other, you have what you need as husband and wife to keep your relationship sacred. Whether or not others would say yours is true love or puppy love, or any kind of love, as long as both of you believe that it is love and you act upon such belief, you will not falter to live as husband and wife. Remain in love and you have what you necessarily need to accomplish what you have started in a relationship. Ephesians 4:2 states, "With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love." Thus,  Rey Jenald and Maecel Joy, love each other until death. Amen.

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